Ms. Mallory's School Announcements
*Please be sure and return ALL paperwork and supply fee to school as soon as possible.
*Please remember: If there is a change in your child's daily transportation, you must write a note or come to the office in order for it to be changed. Changes over the phone are against school policy.
*Our class will have P.E. every Thursday. Please make sure your child has on tennis shoes.
*Graded Paper Folders will be sent home on Wednesday's. Please sign it and return it to school as soon as possible. The papers in the folder are yours to keep. They do not need to be returned to school.
*Please remember to initial your child's green behavior folder EVERY night (even if their gator is white).
* Homework packets will be given out every Monday afternoon, and they are to be returned every Friday morning. If your child hands in their homework packet early, they will not have the material to study for our weekly tests. Please make sure your child is NOT doing all of their math pages in one night. They are assigned the math pages on the day that the lesson is taught. As the year goes on, the homework will get harder, and mistakes will be made if they are working lessons ahead of where we are in class.
*Please clean out your child's red Homework Folder EVERY night with the exception of their papers on the "Return to School" side. Papers on the "Stay at Home" side are yours to keep.
*Please remember to ask your child periodically if their school supplies need to be replenished throughout the year. Every student goes through their supplies at a different pace. Thank you!!