page contents

Mrs. Burch's 1st/2nd Grade Combo Class! 






My Name is Rae Burch. I am a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University in Elementary Education. I am certified to teach grades first through fifth. I have a passion for planting the seed in young minds and then watching them growth without limitations! I believe in allowing the student to learn through exploration. I have been called to help guide, encourage, and most of all love my students. I am always eager to learn new techniques that will benefit student growth!




Parents, if you need extra resources for your child, please visit the sites to the left. These resources are all OPTIONAL, however they are a great way to keep your child engaged and learning during this difficult time! Feel free to contact me with any questions at any time!  


** Update**There is a new link to the left where each week on Wednesday, an optional writing assignment will be posted, for both 1st and 2nd grade, if you should choose to participate!!! No stress! Just for fun, a little normalcy, and to keep our learners' minds engaged!! I'd love to see each piece of work, so feel free to email me pictures of the published products! :) I miss all of my students so much!


You'll find the link to the assignment on the left at the bottom titled, Weekly Writing. 



First Grade Math -Eureka - Modules 5 and 6


Second grade Math- Eureka- Modules 7 and 8


Reading- Please read a book with your children each day! The more they read the better readers they become! Also you can choose from a variety of titles from which I've linked in the tabs to the left, titled, Reading Passages


Science- Mystery Science is a website that's full of fun and engaging activities! Choose your grade level and have fun learning through exploration!


Please dont not hesitate to email me with any questions!

[email protected]