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Introduction Read First


Standards for Computer Literacy


Educational Technology Standards, Grades 6-8

TEC.6-8.EIntegrate a variety of file types to create and illustrate a document or presentation.

TEC.6-8.G. Use appropriate tools to collect, view, analyze, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media to process data and report results.

TEC.6-8.H. Gather data, examine patterns, and apply information for decision-making using electronic tools and resources.

TEC.6-8.I. Use information, media, and technology in a safe, ethical, and responsible manner which includes following the school’s acceptable use policy, adhering to copyright laws, respecting the rights of others, and employing proper etiquette in all forms of communication.

TEC.6-8.J. Demonstrate responsible digital citizenship including the respect for intellectual property of others.



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Week 1&2 Assignment

Assignment Due Date: September 3rd

About Me Presentation Assignment And Rubric.docx