These guidelines will be followed to create a positive classroom environment.
- Students should follow all Tangipahoa Parish School Board and Kentwood High Magnet School policies and guidelines as stated in the student handbook.
- Dress code must be followed at ALL times. This includes, but is not limited to: student ID, proper uniform, appropriate accessories, etc. No exceptions! Students will NOT be allowed to enter the classroom without proper adherence to the dress code policy. If a student fails to follow the stated guidelines, the student will not be allowed to enter and disciplinary action will be taken.
- Students will be responsible for any and all damages incurred to classroom materials, equipment, and/or workstations in their possession. Workstations should be kept neat and clear from markings and trash. Students will be responsible for cleaning up their work area at the end of each class period.
- Absolutely no food, drinks, or any other edible items will be allowed into the classroom.
- Students are NOT allowed to get out of their seats for any reason without permission.
- At no point in time should a student touch or remove any item from the teacher’s desk without prior approval or permission.
- Students are to arrive ON TIME, ready, and prepared to learn. Each tardy will be a deduction from class participation points. After 4 tardies, detention will be given. Every other tardy beyond 4 tardies will result in detention.
- Students should enter the classroom prepared with all materials (Binder, Paper, Writing Utensil, etc.) and be ready to work at all times. At no point during class will students be allowed to retrieve items from their lockers or any other location outside the classroom. Failure to arrive prepared will result in disciplinary action being taken and a deduction of the student’s conduct grade.
- Students are to work only on the assignments given during the class period. If a student is caught working on anything else besides the assigned task without permission, the work will be permanently confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken.
- Students are responsible for making up any and all assignments missed during their absence whether or not it is excused.
- Cheating is prohibited. Any suspicious behavior or communication during assignments will be treated as cheating. There will be absolutely NO TALKING OR COMMUNICATING DURING TESTS. If you are caught cheating, all parties involved will automatically receive a 0 on the assignment.
- Students will wait to be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell or any other interruption.
All computer lab components are property of Kentwood High Magnet School and the Tangipahoa Parish School Board. Students are required to follow all computer and internet Use policies as listed in the student Internet Use Agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, proper lab etiquette and use of equipment. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in disciplinary action.
Due to the costly nature of ink and other printing supplies, students will not be allowed to print any items (other than assigned printing) without prior approval or permission. If a student wishes to print anything other than the assigned tasks/coursework, the student will be required to pay a fee per page of printing.
Students will be graded based upon:
- Daily Technique Grades
- Daily Assignments
- Timed Writings
- Special Projects
- Tests/Quizzes
- Login to the computer before doing anything else.
- Follow instructions on the board as to whether you should begin working or wait for instructions.
- Permission for the bathroom or water will only be given after I am finished teaching, if at all.
- Anyone arriving to class late must have a note or they will be marked tardy.
- Books and bags should never be on the desks or on students’ lap.
- Save your work often. You never know when the electricity may cut off.
- Assignments turned in late will have points deducted for each day it is late.
- When helping another student with an assignment, never touch their mouse.